Click4Assistance UK Live Chat Software

Data Portability

Go Girl Data Portability

We can confirm that upon request and subject to validating your identity we will provide you with your personal information in a readable CSV format. This information will be sent to you by post or email, whichever is your preferred option. All emails will be encrypted.

Please note we will only accept Data Portability requests from policyholders, this in order to provide you and your data full protection, we do require you to validate your identity.

Regrettably, any requests from individuals who are not the policyholder will be rejected; this is to ensure that your data does not get released to an incorrect/unwanted recipient.

The data we are willing to disclose to you will be restricted to data which you have previously provided to us, and not data which was generated by us.

We will respond to your request within one month. If a response is complex or we receive multiple requests we reserve the right to extend our response time by two months. If this situation arises we will write to you and explain our reasons for the extension.

An example of the types of data we are likely to provide you with in response to a Data Portability request are as follows: –

Individual Information

  • Policyholder Name
  • Policyholder Address
  • Policyholder Date of Birth
  • Policyholder Occupation
  • Policyholder Licence and Test Date
  • Policyholder Motoring Conviction or Penalty History
  • Policyholder Claims History

Additional Drivers

  • Additional Drivers Names
  • Additional Drivers Claims history

Policy Information

  • Inception Date
  • Policy Status

Vehicle Information

  • Registration
  • Make
  • Model
  • Engine Size
  • Year of Make
  • Value
  • Date of Purchase

If you have a telematics product, the data can be viewed online, please contact us if you require login details.

If the data you require does not fall into the above categories, unfortunately Data Portability will not be a suitable route for you and we would ask you email or post your request. All requests should be sent to the following address:

Data Protection Officer
Sabre House,
150 South Street,

Email :

If you wish to proceed with your Data Portability request, you will need to follow the basic steps described below to obtain a Check Code in order for us to validate your identity.

Before you start, you will need your driving licence number, your national insurance number and your postcode. If you do not know your driving licence number, instructions are provided on the website below.

Open the following link in a new window and follow the instructions below:

Link to find my driving licence number

  1. Enter your licence number, national insurance number and postcode where indicated.
  2. Tick the box and select View now.
  3. You will now be able to view your driving licence information.
  4. Select Share your licence information in the tab, top right.
  5. Click Obtain code.
  6. You will be provided with a check code which should be entered in short form below.
  7. Complete the remainder of the form below and click Submit.

We would ask you to note that the code is case sensitive, so it should be copied exactly using capital and lower case letters as provided. You may prefer to copy and paste the code into the form.

Please note that the check code is valid for 21 days only.

Once you have obtained the check code please complete the form below for your Data Portability request.

Data Portability Request Form

Live Chat Software Click4Assistance