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Go Girl News & Blogs

Driving During Pregnancy

Do women still drive whilst pregnant? It seems an obvious question but it’s one that gets asked a lot. And quite naturally too. Women can be more anxious than usual about their personal...

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Car modifications and insurance premiums

From extra headlights, to alloy wheels, to tinted windows - making small modifications to your car can be fun and make it feel more personalised; especially to young car owners and...

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Autumn Driving Tips

Autumn Driving Tips

The long days of summer are well and truly over. They’ve been replaced by cold mornings, scattered leaves and a sun that drops ever lower in the sky. But whilst autumn may be a beautiful...

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Scam I am – Motoring scams to be aware of

So you’ve passed your test and you’ve got the use of a car! Brilliant. Everything is going as smoothly as it can. That’s great – but don’t let it mean that you switch off to what happens...

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