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Boost your driving lessons with our top tips

Oct 13, 2016

Everyone learns at their own individual pace when it comes to learning how to drive.

Here are 6 top tips to help you along the way:

1. Find the right instructor

You will need to feel comfortable with whomever is teaching you. The idea of friends, family or a boyfriend instructing, at first may sound the perfect answer, but sometimes, that emotional bond can lead to heated arguments, frustrations and repressed criticisms which can only lead to slow progress.

Young woman getting a driving lessonA professional instructor has a thorough knowledge about what skills need to be mastered in order to drive well and in order to pass the test. They will also be skilled in taking you through the correct exercises at the right pace for your abilities.

A driving school instructor will also have a dual control car which is essential if you are new to the road. This facility will help you feel secure and offer an element of control to allow you to progress with your lessons safely.

The best solution could be to use both a professional instructor as a basis for teaching and a friend or family member to practice what you have learnt in between lessons. Just remember that if you practice in your own car, or the car of a friend or relative, you will need learner driver insurance.

2. Appropriate clothing

Footwear needs to be simple and comfortable so you can access the pedals easily without slipping or sliding. You need to feel the pedals beneath your feet so the chances are heels are not a good choice! Try to get used to comfortable shoes you will always wear for driving which you can keep in the car – then you can slip into your heels when you need to.

3. Analyse how you learn

Some of us are morning people, and others learn and retain information at the end of the day better. Schedule your driving lessons for when you are at your best. Are you a practical person rather than one for theory? Prepare by going over moot points at the end of the lesson and noting them down in a notebook which you can refer to. Need help with continuity between lessons? To enhance the learning process further ask for an honest appraisal at the end of each lesson, write it down and revise tasks before the next lesson.

4. Listen to your instructor and don’t be afraid to ask

Some individuals feel they have to carry out manoeuvres perfectly first time or they will look a little silly. This is nonsense and this is certainly not the time to pretend you know it all. You may have to do the more difficult manoeuvres several times before you get it right. The instructor expects this and will move at your pace. If you are unsure of anything – ask. One small question can have you feeling a whole lot better in a few seconds.

5. Mistakes should make you – not break you

Try not to get exasperated or frustrated when you cannot get a manoeuvre right. This will only make learning even more difficult. The dual controls on the car will keep you safe and the instructor understands that it is often through making mistakes that you really learn.

6. Pace your learning

Learners often wonder what would be the best frequency of lessons. To a certain extent this depends on the individual and the amount of time available and budget. But the average is one professional lesson a week with practice in-between with friends or family. Generally, the more intense the period is when you are learning, the easier it is to pick up the practical learning and remember the theory.

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