Retrace Your Steps
It might be a cliché, but it sometimes gets results! When you lose something, ask yourself – where did I have it last? Then retrace your steps.
Losing your car keys is annoying, especially if you’re in a hurry. But it pays to be methodical here. Check any handbag you’ve used recently. And check the pockets of any clothing you’ve worn recently – not forgetting stuff that might already be in the laundry basket.
Then, check any part of your house where you might have put your keys down when doing something else, like carrying shopping in. Also check the areas around these areas – your keys could have fallen behind some furniture, or underneath a table.
I Can’t Find My Keys Anywhere!
If you’ve looked everywhere there is to look, then unfortunately, you may have lost your keys.
Or, they may have been stolen.
Criminals have multiple techniques for stealing car keys. They sometimes “fish” for keys, through letterboxes or open windows. Or they might quietly lift keys from your pocket or handbag, while you’re not looking.
Sometimes, people absent-mindedly leave their keys hanging in their front door lock, where it’s easy for opportunistic thieves to take them without notice. It’s also common for criminals to steal car keys as part of a larger burglary.
Of course, you may have simply lost them. They may have fallen out of your pocket or your bag whilst out walking or you may have put them down and forgotten to pick them up.
Whatever the reason, it can be baffling and frustrating.
So what can you do now?
What to do if You’ve Lost Your Car Keys
Can Locksmiths Help with Car Locks?
Find a locksmith near you who specialises in cars and car keys. They should be able to come to you and they should have the necessary equipment to cut you a new key, and even programme you a new fob. And once you have a new fob, your old one will no longer work. So if your keys have been stolen, the thief will no longer have access to your car.
Can Breakdown Assistance Help With Lost Keys?
Certain roadside assistance providers can help you get back into your car. Like locksmiths, they might be able to cut you a new key and programme you a new fob.
If you’re a member of one of these providers, then you should be able to get the assistance you need within a reasonable amount of time. Otherwise, you might be waiting a while.
Where to Buy a New Car Key
What make’s your car? If there’s a dealership in your area, they should be able to sort you out with a new key – even if you didn’t buy your car from them in the first place.
However, they’ll probably charge you quite a lot for this service. And depending on whether they have the right equipment, it may take them a while to sort you out.
You could also call your local garage. If they cannot help you out directly, they may be able to recommend someone who can.
Does Car Insurance Cover Car Keys?
Your car insurance might include key cover as part of your policy. The insurance usually pays for the cost of replacement keys and locks, and of reprogramming immobilisers and alarms. And in some cases, if they can’t sort you out the same day you make your claim, your insurance might contribute towards a temporary hire car.
For more information, please check your policy wording.
Never Lose Your Keys Again
Once you find your keys, or get a replacement, here are some things you can try to ensure you never lose them again:
- Don’t just leave your keys wherever’s convenient in the house. Have a dedicated spot for them, and make a point of putting your keys here whenever you’re not using them. To prevent “fishing” theft, make sure the spot is far from any windows or your letterbox.
- Treat your car keys like you would expensive jewellery when out and about. Never just leave them lying around. Try and keep them on you at all times. If that means keeping them in your handbag, then never let your handbag out of your site.
- Get a key finder. These are small devices you can attach to your keyring. They can link to an app on your phone. Then, if you ever lose your keys, you can either view their location on a map, or else trigger a beeping noise to help you track them down.
At Go Girl, we offer key insurance and breakdown insurance as part of our comprehensive car insurance policies. So if you ever lose your keys, we’ll be able to help you out – either through replacing your keys ourselves, or through letting you call for roadside assistance.
Get in touch to get a free quote in minutes.