14/12/20 UPDATE: As of 2nd August 2021, you don’t need a green card if you are driving in most European countries – this includes Ireland, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Serbia and Switzerland.
You may need to carry a green card to drive in other European countries, including: Albania, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine.
If you are driving outside of Europe then you are likely to require a green card.
For the most up to date information on countries that require a green card view the Government guidance.
If you require a green card to be produced, please contact Customer Services on 0330 024 4747 or email customer.services@gogirl.co.uk.
14/12/20 UPDATE: As of 1st January 2021, there will be a requirement that you hold a physical ‘Green Card’ should you wish to drive your vehicle in the EU.
Following the agreement that Green Cards can be printed in black and white, Go Girl can produce these in a PDF format to be sent electronically to drivers who wish to drive abroad. However, it is important to stress that the document must be printed and electronic versions (e.g. screenshots as well as PDF copies on smart phones) will not be accepted by any authorities who require the green card to be produced for inspection.
Republic of Ireland – For those policyholders that live in Northern Ireland and will cross the border into the Republic of Ireland, Go Girl will provide an annual Green Card which can be used only for travel across the Irish border. For travel elsewhere within the EU a separate Green Card will need to be requested.
If you require a green card to be produced, please contact Customer Services on 0330 024 4747 or email customer.services@gogirl.co.uk
For further information on driving abroad, please view the Driving in the EU from 1 January 2021 Government guidance.
In light of the UK leaving the EU on the 31st January 2020, we are now in a transition period which will last for 11 months until the 31st December 2020. During this time important negotiations will take place on the UK and the EU future trading relationship.

What impact does this have on your insurance?
At the moment, none. During the transition period there is no requirement for a Green Card if you are planning on driving within the European Economic Area (EEA) or Andorra, Serbia and Switzerland.
If an agreement on the future trading relationship hasn’t been reached during the transition period, then after the 31st December 2020 you will be required to carry a Green Card if you are planning on take your car abroad. The Green Card is an extension to your car insurance policy and you may not be permitted access to enter the countries you are planning to visit without one. A full list of countries it available here.
Green Card changes from 1st July 2020
From the 1st July 2020 Green Cards will no longer have to be printed on green paper. If you are travelling abroad on or after the 1st July 2020 we will be able to email you your Green Card. You can print it out on white paper. It is important to remember that you will need to have a printed copy of your Green Card with you when you travel. A screenshot on your mobile will not be accepted.
We will update you on any further news or changes that may affect you as a policyholder during the transition period.
For up to date details read the ‘Visit Europe after Brexit’ page on the GOV.UK website.
Do I need an International Driving Permit (IDP)?
If you are planning on driving abroad you may need an International Driving Permit depending on the countries you will be visiting. Read the latest information on the GOV.UK website. Check if you need an IDP.
If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact us.