If you’re thinking of selling your car, or simply transferring ownership from yourself to a member of your family, you’ll need your car logbook. In this post we’ll explain what a car...
Go Girl News & Blogs
Driving Law: Highway Code & Car Tax Changes 2019
The Highway Code and driving law is updated all the time, to reflect changes in standards and technology, and to make the roads safer for everyone. As a driver, you have a responsibility...
Speeding: How Many Points & What About Your First 2 Years?
Speed limits exist for a reason. Speeding decreases your reaction time while increasing your stopping distance. At high speeds you’ll have less control of your car, which makes you a...
How Much Road Tax Will I Need to Pay?
Few things in the motoring world are more misunderstood than road tax. This is your essential guide to road tax. We’ll explain what it is (and what it isn’t!) and outline some of the...
Where to Put a Sat Nav on Your Windscreen
The UK driving test changed in December 2017. As part of your test, you may now be required to follow directions from a sat nav. Your examiner will provide the sat nav and set it up for...
What is Tailgating and Why is it Dangerous?
Tailgating is common. It’s also antisocial, dangerous, and illegal. It involves driving very close to the car in front – so close that, were the car in front to stop suddenly, a collision...
Illegal Tyres: Examples of Bald & Unsafe Tyres
The state of your tyres is a matter of life and death. Keep your tyres in good condition and you can depend on them. But if you let your tyres degrade, or if you use tyres that aren’t fit...
Adding a Child to Car Insurance – What You Need to Know
So your son or daughter wants to learn to drive. They’ll need some insurance to cover them while they learn. It’s the law! Learner drivers are considered high-risk drivers, so learners can...
How Long Can a Car Sit Without Being Driven?
Say you’re learning to drive, or your son or daughter is learning to drive. It’s common for learner drivers, or the parents of learner drivers, to buy a new car in advance, so that the new...
When Should Tyre Pressure Be Checked?
You need to regularly check your tyre pressure. It will save you money, and it could even save your life. Studies by Michelin show that up to 75% of UK drivers regularly drive with...