Go Girl News & Blogs
Driving with a Cracked Windscreen: Law & Safety
Is it legal to drive with a cracked windscreen? Is it dangerous? Windscreen’s are tough, but they’re still one of the most fragile parts of your car. All it takes is a stray bit of gravel...
What Happens if You Don’t Pay a Private Parking Ticket?
When you get a private parking ticket, it’s tempting to just ignore it. After all, it’s not like the ticket’s come from the police, or the government! What powers do they have? What could...
How Long Do Speeding Points Stay on Your Licence?
Speeding points stay on your licence for 4 years, or for 11 years if it’s a particularly bad offence. They stay on your licence either from the date of your conviction, or the date of your...
What Should You Do When Parking Facing Downhill?
Parking on a hill is nerve-wracking, when you think about it. What if your handbrake doesn’t work? What if you leave your car, only for it to roll down the hill, leaving a trail of...
When to Take the Newborn Insert Out of the Car Seat
What is a car seat newborn insert Group 0 and Group 0+ car seats are designed to keep babies safe in the car from birth until they’re approximately 15 months old. They’re rearward-facing...
Brexit Update – Driving Abroad
14/12/20 UPDATE: As of 2nd August 2021, you don't need a green card if you are driving in most European countries - this includes Ireland, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland,...
The 6 Best Safe Driving Apps For Apple & Android
Obviously, you should never use your mobile while driving. It’s incredibly dangerous, and it comes with some severe penalties. But that’s not to say that your smartphone can’t make you a...
How To Get Stains and Smells Out of Car Seats
All car owners will have to do a deep clean of their car now and then. But if you’re a parent, then you’ll have to take extra special care when cleaning your car. Not only will you have...
Petrol in a Diesel & Diesel in a Petrol Car – What to Do
So you’ve put petrol in your diesel car. Or, you’ve put diesel in your petrol car. Or maybe you’re just nervous about making this mistake. In any case, this is your guide to what to do if...
How Long Do You Have to Declare Points for Insurance?
If you break the laws of the road you’ll get points on your licence. And if you get points on your licence, you have a legal obligation to tell your car insurance providers. But how long...