Does your baby hate their car seat? Do they cry every time you strap them in? You’re not alone. Kids these days – they don’t know what’s good for them! Car seats and booster seats are...
Go Girl News & Blogs
Winter Driving Tips: This Winter’s Going to be a Bad One
Reports indicate that the UK could be facing the coldest winter in 70 years. We’re looking at temperatures below freezing with predictions of blankets of snow in some places. It’s the...
How to Look After Children and Babies When Paying for Petrol
Is it Illegal to Leave a Child Alone in a Car? Is it illegal to leave a child alone in the car – even if you know you’ll only be gone for a few minutes? According to UK law, it’s an...
Best Cars for Dogs: What Owners Should Consider
If your dog could drive, what sort of car would they choose? Just like you, they need a car that meets all of their needs. And while their needs probably aren’t as complicated as yours, if...
Car Sickness in Toddlers – Tips to Prevent It
Some children are fine in the car. Others? Not so much. If your toddler often looks peaky while travelling, or if they tend to get upset during car journeys, it might be a sign that...
7 Most Economical Family Cars 2019
Want a safe and reliable family car that’s going to take you where you need to go, for less? We’ve compared their MPG, CO2 Emissions and AIR Index Rating – an independent emissions rating...
Dog Car Law – Is It Illegal to Have an Unrestrained Dog in the Car?
Whether you’re heading to the vets or the beach, you need to make sure that you’re not breaking the law when travelling by car with your dog. You need to travel in a way that’s safe for...
Car Seat Compatibility: What to Check Before Buying a Car Seat
If you’re a first-time parent, you might struggle to choose the right car seat for your child and your car. We put together this short car seat compatibility checker to help you make the...
Temporary Insurance & the Pitfalls
young stylish women packing shopping bags into car How Does Temporary Insurance Work and What Are the Pitfalls? Many companies offer temporary insurance cover, also sometimes referred to...
Child Lock: What Is It & How Does It Work?
Everything changes when you become a parent for the first time. You need to completely rethink many things you might have previously taken for granted. Driving is no exception. Is your car...